CFC Dates back to 1997. It was originally
a fun place for Christians to meet and play games online. It
was also a place where you could meet and chat with like
minded Christians. The CFC web site has been around since
then but was not maintained. If you have visited in the
past, we apologize for the past mess :).

NEW: 9-30-07, We will be open
We are rebuilding this site with a new
purpose in mind. Our hope is to reach the lost and bring you
straight forward guide to Bible prophecy. We will do this by
picking from the cream of the crop of web sites, web video
broad casts, audio feeds, books, useful links and more. We
also intend on posting major world event alerts on this main
page. If something of importance happens we want to alert
you immediately.
These are lofty goals but with the help of
our Lord and savior Jesus Christ we will meet the challenge.
For now, we want to get the old messy site offline and get this
temporary page up and running. Here are some powerful links that
maybe of use to you. By the way, are you ready? Jesus is coming!
The time is short! Save your self and save the lost while there
is still time.
More to
come. We are just warming up! Stop back often for updates.
Has anyone ever asked why you believe you believe in
Jesus Christ as Lord or why people accepted this man as the
Christ? Most people, and rightly so, simply rely on the
Gospels and the amazing, world changing wonder that was the
life of Jesus Christ. However the world often scoffs at
this. The good news is we have powerful evidence that he was
the true son of the one God and that the bible is a real
living document. The Bible predicted his coming over and
over again.
If you ever wanted a complete listing of all of the
prophecies on Jesus, this is it.
Ever wonder what is happening in Israel? I always
wanted a way to see the headlines directly without going
through the US main stream media. Well check out the
Jerusalem Post Live.
As always, when reading from a media outlet
use caution. Remember their secular point of view. Use your
biblical eyes when reading. There is a wealth of information
to be gleaned from this resource.
POST - Current News From Israel
BIBLE SEARCH: This is a great utility.
Simply click on the link below and search the bible by key
word or book, chapter and verse.
Christ Notes,
PROPHECY REVEALED: Why do so many well educated,
informed Christians believe that the end of the age is at
hand. This VIDEO & AUDIO series will blow you away. A must
Prophecy Revealed

Matthew 24:11
(Read all
Matthew 24)
"And many false
shall rise,
and shall deceive many"
How can I avoid being deceived by
false teachers?
ANSWER: Try following
the simple rules listed below
I have seldom seen this
information in print. In fact, I'm not sure I ever have. I
have however heard many good, honest ministers speaking on
this very issue. It is good stuff. These rules could very
well save you or a friend a lot of disappointment and
perhaps even hell. If you disagree with the following
RULE # 1: Never take ANY teachers word for it!
Ronald Regan said it best when he said "Trust
But Verify". Always verify what you have learned by holding
it up the the light of scripture.
RULE # 2: Never "FOLLOW" an individual other then
Christ. It is not hard to find a believer
that has become so enamored by their pastor that they become
infallible in their eyes. This is dangerous. People can let
us down, God is always faithful. Keep your eyes on the
prize. The word of God and Jesus Christ. If your pastor or
minister falls you will not fall with them. If on the other
hand, your faith is wrapped around this one individual and
not on Christ and his commandments you could very well find
your belief system crushed.
RULE # 3: Watch Their MESSAGE!
Remember, we are here to serve God, not the other way around.
Give, give give they say. It seems like the majority of the
time when I come across a "Christian" preacher on TV their
message is all about what God can do for you. Often this
focus is on giving money to God (to their ministry) so you can
somehow get a 10 fold return on your investment. Are they
kidding? Other times the whole message is on self
improvement, or using your own will power to improve your
life. All these teachings are clear warning signs. Do not be
fooled! A real, faithful preacher or minister will preach the word of
God, glorify God and give all credit to him. The focus will
not be on your own personal gain or personal power but on
how we can receive salvation through Christ Jesus and how WE
CAN SERVE our lord, not how he is to serve us! Don't be
sucked in by feel good preachers.
RULE # 4: What are they SELLING? These same
unfaithful preachers try
to sell you something be it holy water, tape sets or
whatever. I guess someone has to pay for their $3,000 suits,
right? The focus should always be on God and salvation
through our Lord Jesus Christ. That being said, there is no
sin in selling useful items like Bibles, shirts and so on
but the focus should always be on Christ not money! Keep
your eyes open and your hearts focused on Jesus. Read your
RULE # 5: Don't get LOCKED IN.
It is great to be committed when you find a good
bible loving church. In fact I encourage you to become
involved with your church and fellowship (hang out) with you
new found Christian brothers and sisters. The problem is
that sometimes believers get sucked into a
bad or not so good church or
denomination. It doesn't matter if it is Catholic,
protestant or some other church. Their teachings should be
able to be held up to the light of scripture.
your church tells you that they are the only way to God or
are 100% wrong. Jesus Christ is the only way. In fact, your
church should encourage you to go where God tells you to go
be it a new church, mission work or whatever as long as it
serves our Lord.
If something doesn't feel right where you are now, perhaps
you need to find another body of Christ. Rule #1 Hold what
your taught up to the light of scripture. NOTE: It is okay
for your church to teach that Jesus is the only way, but NO
ONE denomination or "Christian" group or off shoot has a
lock on heaven. |

Matthew 24:11
(Read all of
Matthew 24)
this gospel of
the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a
witness unto all nations; and then shall the end
MISSION #1: To reach as many
people in the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Are you going to HELL?
here to find out! |
Our #2
mission is to provide believers with useful information on
the incredible wealth of prophecy God has given us in the
Bible. |
Did you know that some
28% of the bible is prophecy? The Christian Bible is packed
with it. Often believers shy away from the prophecy side of
the bible in fear that they can't or wont understand it when
in fact much of it is very clear and easy to understand. You
can't really understand the bible until you understand
prophecy. |